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Before my transformation, I was a very depressed, miserable woman with low self esteem, and in an unfulfilling marriage. Although I didn’t show it publicly, privately I was having struggles. I thought I had a cute face, but I didn’t like how big I was, & people would always say, “you wear your weight well.” ( I never understood that). Being 305 pounds brought its health issues, being, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, borderline diabetic, swelling, & so much more. One night I was lying in bed and I felt as if I was having a heart attack, I figured if I were and had I died, no one would find me until the next day. I prayed to God and asked for His help, and to let me live, and I promised Him that I would take charge of my health. That was in June 2017. 


My goal, was to lose 100lbs. Get off high blood pressure meds, be able to tuck my shirt in my pants with a belt , without my stomach hanging over, & just be healthy and be able to walk from my car to wherever I was going and not be out of breath by the time I made it to my destination.

The most difficult part was my mindset. It had to change. I had to change the way I felt about myself, & how I saw my myself. I had to push pass, lost  of loved ones, children being incarcerated, a falling marriage, and just the of feeling of, is this really going to work without surgery or diet pills. It was hard some mornings because I had to fight pass the voices that was telling me it wasn’t working, and you’re just doing all of this for nothing, because I was doing everything right and the weight was coming off only 5-7lbs at a time in a month. ( that was discouraging) then one month it jump to 13lbs, and have been coming off every since. 


The way I feel about myself today is what I call unstoppable.  I have a favorite superhero, and her name is Wonder Woman. My health is in the greatest condition that it has been in my grown life. I see life through different eyes now.   I’m living life like it’s golden. I’m not depress anymore, I went from dying to living, low self esteem to confident,  from I can’t to I can & will, from a 3x to a S/M  & from a 22/24 to 8/10. I feel AMAZING. My mission now is to inspire and motivate others that this can be done.

Before and After.jpg

In June of 2017, I changed the way I looked at food. ( I was an emotional eater) I decided that I would eat the food that loved me. So I cut out bread, fried foods, red meat, pasta, & sweets. In July I got a personal trainer, Louis Callahan, for 4 days a week. Little did I know that my whole entire life was about to change.


In March, of 2018, I join Fitlife Studios,    with Joe & Rebecca Barker,Fitness Camp. Joining  Fitlife Studios was THE game changer.  I was always wanted a workout partner, little did I know that I was going to have a “Fit-family .”   The workouts are and still is grueling, but the results are phenomenal. Along with working out with my

"Fit-family", I became a vegan and is still a vegan to this date. 


Working four days a week and eating clean became my new normal. Four days became 5 then 6, then it became everyday of the week. I have completed 4 90 day challenges, (90 days straight, no days off from working out) 4 Trim the tribe challenges (30 days each) (with my Mentor Raymond Torregano) which I was the 1st & 3rd MVP. So with all of theses challenges and being a vegan, I have lost 115lbs total.



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(228) 547-5681


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